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Pregnancy is a magical journey, and you’re excited to welcome a new life into the world. But if you have heart failure, a condition where your heart struggles to pump blood effectively, it’s essential to understand how it can impact your pregnancy. Let us explore the ins and outs of heart failure and pregnancy, focusing

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Heart attack is a serious medical emergency that requires immediate attention. During a heart attack, a block in the coronary arteries restricts blood flow to the heart muscle, leading to tissue damage. The longer the block persists, the longer the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen and nutrients. This will lead to extensive damage of

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Arrhythmia refers to an abnormal heart rhythm that can disrupt the normal functioning of the heart. It affects millions of people worldwide and can range from harmless irregular heartbeats to life-threatening conditions. In this blog, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for arrhythmia. By gaining a better understanding of this condition, we

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Obesity has become a global epidemic that has not spared even the children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of children and adolescents with obesity has risen significantly in the past few decades, with more than 340 million children worldwide being overweight or obese. Childhood obesity not only affects physical health but

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The catheterization laboratory, commonly known as the cath lab, is an essential part of many hospitals, especially those specializing in cardiology. The cath lab is a specialized facility that is equipped with advanced technologies to perform minimally invasive procedures on the heart and blood vessels. Here’s a closer look at what the cath lab can

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Cardiovascular disease, also known as heart disease, is a leading cause of death worldwide. The good news is that many of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease are preventable. By taking steps to reduce your risk, you can improve your heart health and prevent serious health problems in the future. Here are some of the

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Are Heart attack and Cardiac Arrest different? Heart attack and cardiac arrest are two distinct medical conditions. They both affect the heart and so people tend to use them interchangeably, but they are different, have different causes and symptoms. Heart attack, called myocardial infraction is caused by decreased of blood flow. It is caused when

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Exercise and heart health Your heart is at the heart of your health. Everything affects its health from your weight to your mental state. That’s why when you are extremely sad or upset, you feel a crushing weight in your chest. So, maintaining overall health becomes crucial to maintaining heart health, and exercise goes a

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