Stomach and Gastritis Clinic
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Gastritis is caused by the irritation of the stomach lining. It may be caused by infection, certain medications, alcoholism, stress or backflow of bile. It can be cured easily with the right treatment but could cause ulcer or cancer if not treated.
Symptoms of gastritis include stomach pain and discomfort while eating or between meals, loss of appetite, hiccups, stomach upsets, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Severe cases can lead to vomiting blood, black tarry stools
Our top gastroenterologist will provide customized treatment based on your individual condition. Treatment options include medicines including antacids, drugs to reduce acidity, antibiotics to treat infection, supplements to treat aneamia and a bland diet.
Consult the best gastroenterologist in Bihar for the best treatment for all gastro problems.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Stomach and esophagus (food pipe) are separated by a muscle called lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When this LES is weakened, the contents and acid in the stomach rises into the food pipe causing GERD. It is caused by hiatal hernia, diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and stomach contents not emptying on time. Smoking, drinking alcohol, obesity, pregnancy, foods such as fried and fatty foods, chocolate, coffee, certain medicines and eating heavily just before bed increase the risk of GERD.
Symptoms of GERD include heartburn that worsens when bending or lying down, nausea, vomiting, breathing and swallowing trouble, bad breath, sleep problems and persistent cough.
We offer the best treatment options for GERD depending upon the severity of the condition. Timely treatment can cure you completely and prevent complications including ulcers.
Treatment options include medications to control acidity and lifestyle changes such as quitting tobacco and alcohol, managing your weight, and adopting a bland and healthy diet.
We also offer the latest surgical treatments to cure GERD.
Consult the leading gastroenterologist in Bhagalpur for all digestive problems.
Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer is also called gastric cancer. It is formed by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the stomach lining to form a tumor. It has to be treated early for best results. It could spread through the stomach or spread to other parts of the body if not treated early. There are many types of stomach cancers and the treatment will depend on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease.
Symptoms include indigestion, bloating, heartburn, nausea and loss of appetite in the early stages, and stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, blood in stool, vomiting, swallowing difficulty, yellow skin and eyes, swelling in the abdomen, weight loss and fatigue in the later stages.
Leading gastro specialists diagnose and treat stomach cancer with the latest medicines and procedures.
Treatment options include surgery and chemotherapy. Bypass surgery to bypass the tumor and corrective surgeries to facilitate passage of food through the digestive tract are also offered.
Consult the best gastroenterologists for the best gastro care.