Metabolic Heart Disease

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Metabolic Heart Disease

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    Metabolic Heart Disease

    The best pediatric cardiac care in Bhagalpur

    Metabolic syndrome is a condition that makes children obese. This could lead to diabetes and heart disease. If your child has too much belly fat (is too big around the waist), has high blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol, your child is at a higher risk of developing heart disease. Obesity is caused by inactive lifestyle, a diet with unhealthy amounts of carbohydrates and fats and genetic causes (family history).

    Why choose Medifort Wellness Hospital for the best treatment for pediatric metabolic heart disease.

    We are the best pediatric cardiology hospital in Bhagalpur. Our team consisting of the best pediatric heart specialists and pediatric surgeons offers comprehensive treatment for all pediatric heart problems.

    If your child is obese and has developed symptoms of heart problems, the first step is to control obesity. Most problems will resolve with the correct lifestyle changes.

    While our pediatric cardiologist keeps a close watch over your child’s heart, we will guide you to help your child make the correct lifestyle choices. In most cases your child will improve with these changes, if necessary, we also provide medical treatment to overcome the problems.

    Consult the leading pediatric cardiologist in Bhagalpur for the best pediatric heart care.